Mothers Day craft ideas in isolation is here to help you out. Need help thinking outside of the box for gift ideas for Mothers Day ? With store closures and social distancing restrictions in place why not get creative and make Mum that special gift to say thankyou .
Shrinky Dink Charm Key Chain
Shrinkies are a way to capture a moment in time and create a sentimental gift for your special Mother. Use a permanent marker to trace around your child’s hand and let them decorated inside the outline. Or try drawing a heart and decorating the inside of the heart. Cut out around the outside of the outline in an oval or circle shape, pop a quick hole into the top and bake in the oven. The Shinky will shrink down 40% and become 9 times as thick! A great little (and durable) charm to create a special key ring for Mum to enjoy.

Magiclay paper clay Bracelet with Spaghetti String
Magiclay Paper Clay is a fantastic air drying product that children can use to create their very own beads by rolling small pieces and putting a hole through the centre with a skewer (or similar) . Left over night to air dry these beads are great for threading onto spaghetti String and can become a lovely bracelet or necklace for Mum
The great thing about Magiclay is that it can be moulded into any shape of any size … the options are endless . Why not make mum a hand made flower to with her hand made gift ? Feeling creative … Why not create a whole bouquet of flowers ?

Paper Mache Photo Frame Decorating
Thinking a lovely photo of the children ? A paper mache photo frame decorated by the children is a great way to allow them to express their creativeness while personalising the gift for their Mum.

Necklace with Pony Beads
Threading is a great way to strengthen children’s hand eye coordination while creating a beautiful hand made “keeps-sakes” for mum to wear around her neck.

Frangapani and Heart Gift Box
Plaster Painting is a fantastic idea for Mothers Day craft ideas! We have Heart shaped trinket boxes for decorating , giving Mum a sentimental place to keep her most treasured possessions. Frangapanis are a popular option to decorated at Mothers Day as well. Why not create a beautiful flower for Mum this Mother’s Day.