Pixel Artist Profile – Ado Art is one of our talented customers, @adoart and his art is not only amazing but he gives back to his community by sharing his artwork in the streets of his sunny hometown Brisbane. We love the photo’s he takes with his art. Pixel Art Inspiration is what some of our customers are after. If you’d like to be our next featured artist simply drop us a message on our Facebook or Instagram pages.
Who are you? Where are you based? How can we follow you?
My name is Ado aka adoart, and I am based in Brisbane, Australia – born and breed!
Head onto Instagram and follow ‘adoart’ and you will see all of my latest creations.

Have you had any Perler bead disasters?
I have had MANY! My ironing room is at the complete opposite side of my house and I often bump my shoulder into a wall while carrying a board of beads and basically lose the entire creation. I’ve also ruined a couple of pieces for being too heavy with the iron and over melting.

What are the tools of your trade?
My favourite beads to use are Perler beads as I love the colours and the way they melt. The mini bead tweezers are essential (I own 6 just in case I lose some) and use them for both regular and mini beads. Additional pegboards are a MUST as I often realise the piece is going to be much bigger than I anticipated. And while not 100% necessary, I like to iron on a large wooden chopping board so I dont have to worry about damaging the surface its under.

Where do you want to take your Perler Bead art?
My aspiration is to turn these creations into street art for others to enjoy (and take home should they find them). My family recently hired electric scooters and placed “love-planters” around Brisbane city for people to find and take home and keep.