0401 937 647

Foam Stencil Stampers Pack of 9


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Foam Stencil Stampers Pack of 9. This set of 9 (3 of each size). This stamper set includes three assorted sizes: 2cm, 3cm, 4.5cm, designed for detail and large work.

Foam Stencil Stampers Pack of 9 are a multipurpose Foam Stencil Stamper and are great for all ages and skill abilities. Their simple design makes them easy to hold, use and clean. Each stamper has a mushroom shaped foam head, and a short round wooden handle.

Foam Stencil Stampers can be used for :

  • Painting – use quickly to easily stamp out dots and circles.
  • Decorating clay sculpture pieces with underglaze
  • Creating Cards and wrapping paper.

These stampers are also handy for smoothing edges when working with clay.

When painting with a stencil, we recommend using a Foam Stencil Stamper (also known as a Pouncer).

For best results, hold the stamper in an upright position, then repeatably dip the foam end into the paint (rotate stamper as you go to apply an even distribution of colour onto the head). To apply the paint to the stencil, again hold the stamper in an upright position, and then dab the colour onto the surface – do not push the paint as it may cause edges to bleed.

Make sure to clean Foam Stencil Stampers after use to avoid paint from clogging in the foam.

This set of 9 (3 of each size). This stamper set includes three assorted sizes: 2cm, 3cm, 4.5cm, designed for detail and large work.